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Mantangale Alibuag Dive
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About Misamis Oriental
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Tourist Attraction in Misamis Oriental

AGUTAYAN REEF - Also called White Island, located in Jasaan. This is a small island with a wide expanse of shallow coral reef. On its side is a drop-off starting at 50 ft. down to 150 ft. There are plenty of cracks and crevices along the wall. Pelagic fishes such as surgeonfish, barracuda, tuna, eagle rays, and occasional sharks can be sighted here.

CONSTANCIA - This is a shoal approximately 3 has. in size with shallowest depth at 20 ft. below the surface. On the south side, the coral reef is in good condition teeming with colorful tropical fishes, pelagic and territorial fishes, sea fans and sponges.

SIPAKA POINT - Known for its strong undersea current, the spot is good for more experienced divers. The natural current feeds the marine ecosystem resulting to a majestic underwater garden. Huge sea fans, basket sponges, hard and soft corals and feather stars abound in this area as well as stringrays, snappers, groupers, and colorful small fishes. For the underwater photographer, the clear waters of Sepaca are ideal for macro and wide-angle setups.

TALISAYAN SHOAL - this is a very small shoal fronting the town of Talisayan. It takes only about 10 minutes to get there from the Mantangale Alibuag Dive Resort. The shallow part of the shoal is covered with a very good growth with plenty of small colorful fishes, shells and other plants and animals. Turtles are often seen here as well as other pelagic fishes.

STA. INES WRECK - At the sandy and steep slope, there is an old WW 2 pontoon wreck starting at a depth of 30 feet to about 150 feet. This wreck is now covered with fan corals, black corals and other marine growth and also serves as home to a lot of big and small fishes as Lapu-lapu, jacks, sweetlips, red snappers, surgeon and batfishes.

MEDINA SPRINGS - Approximately 300 yards from the white beach, at the edge of the shallow coral reef are two excellent dive spots. The Paradise is 90 to 110 feet deep. It looks like a canyon with lots of cracks and holes. The Aquariumarine is good spot to make a second dive since the depth ranges only from 20 to 70 feet.

In both spots, the unique attraction here are underwater springs locally called alibuag which spews out large volumes of very cold fresh water from the bottom towards the surface. The marine life here is also very rich and abundant. The spot is located in Medina.

PUNTA DIWATA - Located at the eastern tip of Gingoog Bay and part of the town of Magsaysay about 1 hour by boat from Mantangale Alibuag Dive Resort. The dive spot has a stair step type of coralline slope. The ledges and walls are beautifully covered with marine out-cropping, sea fans and sponges. Fish inhabitants include colorful tropical fishes, lapu-lapu, sweetlips, snappers and occasional manta rays glide. This dramatic seascape is excellent for wide angle photos.

MANONGUL - Just out front of Mantangale is a busy reef called Manongul, the dialect for coral gardens. Here one finds shallow sandy areas with coral paths excellent for snorkeling or a long easy scuba dive. Blue spotted stringrays, convict damsels, lionfishes, colony of soft and hard corals and a variety of clown fishes are among the permanent inhabitants in the area. Having good visibility for most of the year it is most suitable for U/W photography, a leisurely paced plunge or a night dive.

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